Personal Care and Beauty Package Recycling

Color Cosmetics

Going Beyond Clean and Green Skin Care:

Here at Sanjeevita, we do what we can to improve people's health and wellbeing whilst at the same time working towards a sustainable world where nature can thrive. 

As a clean and green skincare brand, we believe it's important to consider what you and your family can do regularly in order to live greener lives and help to improve and protect our wonderful planet Earth.


Green lifestyle

Recycling Personal Care & Beauty Packaging

Statistics from 2018 show that shockingly only about 9% of plastic is recycled in the US. 

Each day most families use more than 10 personal care and cosmetic products for hygiene and beauty regimens. Most of the packaging components from these products are sent to the landfill as they cannot be processed by recycling plants. 

In December 2020, Sanjeevita qualified to participate in Garnier-TerraCycle personal care and beauty package recycling program that is specifically designed to process hard to recycle cosmetic packaging waste.

After talking to family and friends, we realized that many are not aware of how to recycle empty beauty products. 

So we put together a video on what type of cosmetic product packaging is collected by Sanjeevita for the Garnier-TerraCycle recycling program. If you would like to know how to recycle your old cosmetics, please watch our video.


In 2021, we are pleased to say that a growing number of people in our local community have contributed toward this recycling program by collecting cosmetic packaging waste as shown below.


Personal care and beauty package recycling


Earth Day 2021:

To celebrate Earth Day in April 2021, Sanjeevita reached out to more members of our local community via Zoom and social media to ask that they help out in the cosmetic waste recycling program. By getting more local people onboard, we plan to increase the volume collected before the end of 2021.

We believe that corporations and consumers can both contribute in a number of ways to help reduce the use of non-biodegradable packaging and thus the subsequent generation of consumer packaging waste as shown below.

reduce reuse recycle

Please follow the general guildelines described in the above video to recycle your cosmetic packaging waste. The Garnier-TerraCycle recycling program no longer accepts packaging waste from non-Garnier cosmetic brands.